A New Humanity

2022 © Sue Ellen Parkinson

Original – Acrylic on Composite Board, $3,200

Prints – 13”x 19,” $55

There is a story that St Clare wanted to have dinner with Francis. At first, he was hesitant, but with the reassurance of the brothers, he agreed. On the night they dined together, the villagers said the light coming from the little chapel was so great, they thought the surrounding forest must have caught fire. The villagers rushed to help, but when they got there, with their buckets of water, they saw the bright light was caused by the two saints—they were emanating so much love.

I’ve always wanted to paint that image and was trying to do so with this, but at some point it just became a painting of two people on the other side of fear. Maybe that’s who Clare and Francis became too.

As I painted this piece I was listening to Mirabai Star’s audio book, Taking Refuge Wild Heart. When speaking of another saint Mirabai spoke the phrase, “They birthed a new humanity.” This idea seemed to fit so well with what I wanted to generate with this painting I put it in the banner.