Quan Yin Holds the

Cosmic Egg

2022 © Sue Ellen Parkinson

Original – Acrylic on Composite Board, $3,200

Print - 13”x19” • $55

I wondered what would happen if I braided the two archetypes Quan Yin and Mary Magdalene together in a painting. So, I created this image of Quan Yin, holding some of Magdalene’s symbols—the egg and roses. Quan Yin is the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. I feel like Magdalene’s egg of truth became the Cosmic Egg in Quan Yin’s hands. I also included the theme of the union of opposites, with night and day, in the background. I’ve used this many times in my paintings of Magdalene. It worked well with Quan Yin too, who is sitting firmly, on golden ground.