Saint Anne’s Grace

2021 © Sue Ellen Parkinson

Original–Acrylic on wood, 19.25” x 25”

Original SOLD

Print - 13” x 19” • $55

I painted this image, Saint Anne’s Grace, by request of my dear friend, Dr. Kayleen Asbo. I entered the painting with the simple intention of honoring all grandmothers, and acknowledging the importance of Elder Women. I knew little about St. Anne when I began but by the time the painting was completed, I felt very close to Her. Although Anne is the mother of the Virgin Mary, and the grandmother of Jesus, the New Testament never mentions her. Sadly, this is yet another example of an important women being left out of history. The crones of any culture are often the invisible glue that holds families, and even communities together. Yet, in our society, images of women and older women in particular, still remain absent from most media, or news. If we’re to bring the world into balance that needs to change.

Saint Anne is patroness of unmarried women, housewives, women in labor or who want to be pregnant, grandmothers, mothers and educators.